Privacy policy

This website, including subpages, is owned and run by ConSet A/S

Handling of personal data:

ConSet only collects personal data necessary for sales and deliveries to businesses. We do not sell to end-users. In some cases it can be necessary (and also an advantage) that we also collect your name, eg. in connection to your company email address. As other websites, the ConSet website uses cookies. The use of cookies is used to ensure better user experience of the various functions of our website. Many functions on the website are based on the use and storing of cookies and full functionality of the website cannot be expected if the use of cookies is deactivated. For more information, click the link about cookies. Information based on cookies and other technologies is treated as non-personal information. To the extent that IP-addresses or similar are considered personal information according to current legislation, the information will be treated as personal information. If non-personal information is combined with personal information, all information will be treated as personal information collected according to GDPR. When browsing the ConSet website, your IP-address and other search-information is stored automatically. Your personal email and name is not registered. The information stored is used for statistical purposes only – average time spent on a particular webpage, number of visitors etc.

General use of personal information:

ConSet A/S collects and uses personal information only in order to identify and target information to whom it may concern.

Following information is stored and used to identify customers:
- Company email address (shared/official)
- Company name
- Company phone number
- Company email address (target sales people)
- Company delivery address

We store your company- and login information in order to make it easy for you to find previous orders and re-order, and to improve and simplify the process of online handling of all issues.

Passing on personal information to third party

ConSet A/S does not pass on or sell personal information of any kind to third party without full consent given. We do not sell information – names, email addresses or like – to third party in order for them to send marketing material etc. We reserve the right, without full consent given, to use personal information, company name and email addresses in other parties of the ConSet group, if such information is needed to fulfill our obligations. ConSet A/S will pass information necessary for third party to fulfill our obligation if third party is needed in order to doing so. Should we be obliged by law to pass personal information to third party or public authorities, we will do so without full consent given.

Data security

ConSet A/S strives to create a secure environment when using our website and related products. Any illegal violation and use of information from our website data base and ERP/CRM database will be reported to relevant authorities and people within 72 hours of the breach, should personal identifiable data have been stolen.

Access to, correction of and deletion of personal data

Please contact if you want to learn about the information that we have registered, if anything needs to be changed and/or if you want to have you information deleted from our database. Within a maximum of 30 days, we will react to your email. It is not possible to make changes in or cancel the personal information from the website. It is possible to unsubscribe the ConSet Update/Newsletter via a link at the bottom of the email sent.

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ConSet A/S | Industrivej 23 | 6900 Skjern | Danmark +45 96 80 00 80