The 501-11 is a great choice for the professional user and the height-adjustable frame is the ultimate blend of reliability and strength.
The 501-11 is always 100% straight and lifts smoothly no matter where the load is placed on the tabletop, the height-adjustable table has a lifting capacity of 150 kg.
The desk has an integrated shielding panel, a feature that is both practical and beautiful. The tabletop supports double as cable management and the desk frame comes standard with a two hand operation userpanel. The 501-11 has been in the range for almost two decades. Reliability and strength have been tested in offices all over the world, and the 501-11 has passed the test.
Et produkt kan består af flere komponenter. Der leveres f.eks. 3 papkasser: Bordplade, ben og mellemstykker. Antal, beskrivelse, varenummer, vægt, volumen og pris på de enkelte komponenter er listet nedenfor. ConSet produkter kan kun købes gennem forhandlere.
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